"Putting EthOss in Different Spots"
About the webinar:
Synthetic bone graft materials have previously been reported to be inferior in comparison to allograft and xenograft materials. One of the problems of synthetic bone graft is volume resorption, which causes the grafted site to become less stable. The introduction of calcium sulphate-based synthetic bone grafts address some of these issues; in addition, one great advantage of EthOss bone graft material is the ability to remove the use of a resorbable membrane. In this presentation, Prof. Dr. Ngeow shares his experience of placing EthOss in different spots, namely extraction sockets, dehiscence and fenestration, tenting and pathological sites.
Prof. Dr. Ngeow biography:
Professor Dr. David Ngeow is currently a lecturer at the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Malaya. He graduated from the University of Malaya in 1992. He later became a Senior House Officer at the Queen Victoria Hospital, England, where he obtained his Fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He subsequently returned to Malaysia and was a pioneer lecturer at the then newly established Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He became a lecturer at the University of Malaya in 2000. He has published 170 papers in local and international journals. He is currently an editorial board member of the Annals of Dentistry of the University of Malaya.
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Ethoss Regeneration Ltd (“Us”, “Our”) will not be liable, or accept responsibility for, any use or application of the products, or the techniques, mentioned in any case studies, articles, newsletters, blogs, brochures or any other media prepared by Us or contained in Our literature, website, social media channels or any other communications. It is the clinician’s responsibility to follow the official guidance related to each of the products as produced by the relevant manufacturer and ensure they are adhering to recommended methods and uses and complying with the correct techniques for use of the products.
All case studies and clinical examples are for illustrative purposes only. Please always refer to the product manufacturer’s guidance as to how to use any products and techniques mentioned in these case studies
Module 1, part 1: Dr Peter Fairbairn, 8 minutes
Dr Fairbairn discusses using EthOss to treat routine bone loss cases according to his published Protocol.
Module 1, part 2: Dr Peter Fairbairn, 12 minutes
Dr Fairbairn also discusses flap design, suture techniques and the importance of thorough cleaning / degranulation prior to grafting.
Module 2: Dr Peter Fairbairn, 15 minutes
Advice and techniques for optimising socket grafting outcomes with EthOss, includes options for covering the site and how to effectively clean extraction sockets prior to graft placement