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During this webinar, Dr Wasim Fazel will be giving an overview of the bone grafting tools and techniques he uses in his implantology practice to achieve predictable, consistent results. The presentation will include:

• Choice of graft material and the relative benefits and drawbacks of xenografts, allografts and synthetics
• Utilising modern synthetics (EthOss) to achieve predictable and consistent results
• Advice on the preparation, mixing and application of EthOss
• A wide variety of clinical cases from the speakers own personal experience

About the speaker:
Dr Wasim Fazel BDS MFGDP RCS (Eng) MSc Implantology (Goethe), D.I.C.O.I

Wasim has been involved in Implantology since 2008. Having completed his certification from Illapeo, he started his own practice in Ilford which he still runs today.
Since 2010, he was taken on to be a mentor for the NEOSS implant system and started to regularly tutor dentists in the placement and restorative aspect of implantology. He has continued this mentorship until today where he now teaches all aspects of the NEOSS and NEODENT System.

Wasim completed his MSc in Implantology, and was also awarded the Diploma from the International Congress of Oral implantologists, and is now an accepted tutor for the MSc course in Goethe University in Germany.

Wasim started using EthOss in 2015 and has continually advocated its use in various institutions such as the Perio Academy and more recently in Germany. He has lectured on various topics in implantology, including augmentation techniques.

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Ethoss Regeneration Ltd (“Us”, “Our”) will not be liable, or accept responsibility for, any use or application of the products, or the techniques, mentioned in any case studies, articles, newsletters, blogs, brochures or any other media prepared by Us or contained in Our literature, website, social media channels or any other communications.  It is the clinician’s responsibility to follow the official guidance related to each of the products as produced by the relevant manufacturer and ensure they are adhering to recommended methods and uses and complying with the correct techniques for use of the products.

All case studies and clinical examples are for illustrative purposes only.  Please always refer to the product manufacturer’s guidance as to how to use any products and techniques mentioned in these case studies

Join our exclusive On-demand Training Academy

Gain access to 6 video training modules and advance through the tutorials to get a simple grasp on using EthOss in various procedures. 


Routine Implant Procedures - Part 1

Module 1, part 1: Dr Peter Fairbairn, 8 minutes

Dr Fairbairn discusses using EthOss to treat routine bone loss cases according to his published Protocol.  

MODULE 1 - P2-1

Routine Implant Procedures - Part 2

Module 1, part 2: Dr Peter Fairbairn, 12 minutes

Dr Fairbairn also discusses flap design, suture techniques and the importance of thorough cleaning / degranulation prior to grafting.


Socket Grafting

Module 2: Dr Peter Fairbairn, 15 minutes

Advice and techniques for optimising socket grafting outcomes with EthOss,  includes options for covering the site and how to effectively clean extraction sockets prior to graft placement